Scott Starrett

I create communication—design systems with intention.

As a kid I was fascinated by ideas. I thought about how every bridge we drove over, the maps in our classrooms, even the comic books under my bed, were all created by people. Once I realized human beings were literally making it up as they went… I wanted in on it.

I’m co-founder and design director of the communication design studio, Tandem. I act as a strategic communications advisor to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and I’m an outspoken advocate for civic engagement & socially responsible design. 

If you’re interested in my consulting and design work, want to schedule a speaking engagement, or have thoughts about a collaboration, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Press & Media

Read my most recent interview in Adobe’s 99u

Hear me talk about my career trajectory in this GDUSA Interview 

Read my interview with N+1 

Read my piece for  GDUSA’s 2018 Responsible Designers to Watch

Read my interviews about Tandem’s work in Vox and Fast Company

Read about Tandem’s work in The Washington Post

Hear an interview on Q by the CBC

Read a few quotes in this CNN article

See a review of the Ocasio 2018 identity in Brand New

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